2014-04-05 00:45:17 UTC
My Daddy use to sing an old old song that we can't find. We've heard
it sung in an old western movie, in a Tom & Jerry cartoon, and once on
the radio. I have no idea how to spell these words but I'll sound
Kyman Nero Captain Kero - ribo licktum simalictum bowl meal kymeo
don't laugh - that's as close as I can get - anyone recognize it?
Went something like this (don't laugh)it sung in an old western movie, in a Tom & Jerry cartoon, and once on
the radio. I have no idea how to spell these words but I'll sound
Kyman Nero Captain Kero - ribo licktum simalictum bowl meal kymeo
don't laugh - that's as close as I can get - anyone recognize it?
My older sisters had me memorize this. No idea how to spell it.
Kiamo, nero, Captain Cairo, Stream, Strattle on the diddle Da, Ricked on the bottomy Ciamo.
Why on earth did they have me memorize this. One sister has died and the other is 95 and can't remember why she had me learn this.